Daycare to Parents Letter

Dear Working Mother,

Do you send your child to a daycare center miles away from your home and workplace?

Daycare is expensive.

And with gas prices what they are, traveling to and from your daycare center can eat deep into your finances.

If you have ever wished for a daycare center closer home, think of The Stork Home as the answer to your prayers!

The Stork Home is located off Haveno Street in the heart of your neighborhood. That's just a couple of minutes away from where you live.

The Stork Home is a state-licensed daycare center with a difference. With the exception of the administration personnel, the staff comprises screened and trained stay-at-home moms and dads who have their own children attending The Stork Home!

The Stork Home is a stimulating, safe, secure and emotionally supportive environment for babies ages 0-5 years. Each care provider is responsible for no more than four children.

We even embrace special needs children! Some of The Stork Home care givers are specially trained to care for special needs children.

We encourage you to pay us a visit . . . unannounced! . . . and see for yourself if The Stork Home isn't right for your child.

Until [Date], we are taking 20% off the regular price. You save $450 each month for one full year.

For questions and more information, please call 1-800-DAY-CARE toll free or e-mail [email protected].

