Earth Day Letter to Colleagues/Employees

Send this letter to your colleagues or employees to wish them a Happy Earth Day. If applicable, you can also in the letter invite them to a special event or activity pertaining to Earth Day. Feel free to revise this letter so that it reflects the information you would like to convey.

[Your letterhead, if desired; if not, your return address]

[Date of letter-month, day, and year]

[Recipient's first and last names]
[Company name]
[Street or P.O. box address]
[City, State ZIP code]

Dear [recipient's name]:

Earth Day is coming up in April, and to celebrate, our company is doing something very special. We will be planting several trees and shrubs in front of our offices. Please join us on Wednesday, April 20 at 10 a.m. for this occasion. After planting, we will enjoy a catered picnic lunch outside, near the trees we plant.

If you plan to attend this meaningful and enjoyable celebration, please RSVP to Jane at extension 5577 by April 14. We hope to see you at the celebration. And Happy Earth Day!



[Sender's first and last names]