Goodbye Letter after an Affair

Dear [Name],

I am sorry if I have hurt you. I truly am.

I am also sorry for the way things turned out between us.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine our relationship would end the way it did. I don't think you did either. It was abrupt and so sudden that we never really did have the time to wrap our heads around what had happened until it was too late.

I often sit and ponder. And then wonder why I find us going our separate ways. Did we allow others to pull us apart? Or did we close ourselves to others? Did we have the maturity to get into a serious relationship in the first place? Or did the relationship we shared fail to fit the mould of our imaginings?

I think I would be a fool to blame myself or you. If I did, it would be an insult to me, you and the relationship we shared. I hope these feelings are mutual.

I just wish things had turned out differently. Hopefully, this separation will allow both of us to recollect our thoughts, and decide where we want to take our lives from here.

I have always thought of you as a beautiful, intelligent, funny and desirable woman. And I still think the same. If our paths cross again-and I wish they do soon-I hope we find that we make great friends.

It is not the number of days, the hours, the minutes or the seconds that will count, but memories of the great rapport we shared. The small acts of kindness; we learnt from each other, which always brought a smile to our faces. I will truly miss you and the beautiful moments we spent together. I wish you the best of life with the most sincere feelings.

Do take care of yourself.

Goodbye and farewell.


[Your signature]