Holiday Gift Exchange Letter

Send this letter when you are announcing a holiday gift exchange. Mention the relevant details and logistics, such as the date and location of the gift exchange. Tailor the letter's content according to your needs. You can revise this letter to make it specific to the holiday you want to talk about.

[Your letterhead, if desired; if not, your return address]

[Date of letter-month, day, and year]

[Recipient's first and last names]
[Company name]
[Street or P.O. box address]
[City, State ZIP code]

Dear [recipient's name]:

Are you ready for some holiday fun? Our book club will be holding a Christmas gift exchange and party on Saturday, December 3rd from 2 to 5 p.m. at Donna Bennett's house.

Here's how it works. Bring a wrapped gift that is worth about $20 and that is generic enough that anyone at the party would enjoy receiving it. We will have a gift grab bag at the party, and everyone will get a chance to select a gift.

Please contact Donna at 555-1212 to RSVP and to get directions to her house. See you on December 3rd for a fun and memorable afternoon!



[Sender's first and last names]