Sample Rental Letters

If you are a current/prospective landlord, property owner, property management company or tenant, any letter you write the other party can be called a rental letter.

Examples of a rental letter include the letter a tenant would write the other party on behalf of all the tenants informing them of their intent to form a tenant association . . . the letter a prospective tenant would write a landlord, property owner or property management company to let them know of their interest in buying, renting or leasing a property . . . and the letter a landlord, property owner or property management company would write a tenant granting them permission to sublease a property.

A rental letter not only serves as a medium of communication between the landlord, property owner or property management company and the tenant, it also documents the timeline of their relationship.

The rental letter is a legally binding document which can be used by either party to ensure promises are kept and to minimize their own liability in the eyes of the law.

A rental letter must include all pertinent details such as addresses . . . names . . . dates . . . references to documents, sums, meetings and the like . . . contracts . . . obligations . . . agreements . . . etc.



Dear [Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last name],

Thank you for meeting with my colleagues and me on [Date] to discuss your office property, [Address], and the terms of its lease.

I appreciate your patience and interest in considering us as your first tenants.

As you may well be aware, we are one of the nation's leading defense contractors and are interested in leasing your property for the exclusive use of our corporate social responsibility and public relations departments.

As far as I and the other principals are concerned, your property is a perfect fit for us.

However, some of the terms of your lease are . . . how do I put it . . . loaded in your favor.

Clause 2A especially is of great concern to us as it for all means and purposes transfers the liabilities pertaining to ownership of the property entirely into the hands of the prospective tenant.

Clause 9G is also of concern to us.

At the end of the third quarter ending last month, we have authorized the lease of 47 properties in 12 states and have never encountered a clause of this nature in any form or shape.

We ask the aforementioned clauses be reviewed by your principals in consultation with your legal department at the earliest to enable us to move forward in a direction of mutual benefit.

Please let me know if you have any questions or queries.

I look forward to your assistance.

Thank you for your time.

