Good Luck Letter

Hi [Name]!

Are you pulling all-nighters?

You are?

I think you will knock the socks off the test even if you don't!

The big day is tomorrow, right? Anyway, here's some stuff I found online about preparing for a test.

1. Sleep.
No, I'm not kidding! That's what the College Board website says. They ask you to have enough sleep so that you wake up fresh and early enough for a good breakfast on the big day.

2. Relax.
The College Board website also says not to worry. If you ask me, worrying is a waste of time, which you could instead spend brushing up on the subject!

3. Exercise.
Take a brisk walk. Or go for a jog/run. Do this for at least 30 minutes. It's surprising how helpful it can be. Leave your worries behind. Think of something other than the big day. Walk/jog/run to some relaxing music.

4. Use an egg timer.
Set the egg timer to 30 minutes. Once the time's up, take a 5-minute break to stretch, play with the dog, make yourself a salad . . . anything that takes your mind off the test. Repeat until bedtime.

5. Meditate.
Sit in a chair with some relaxing music playing softly in the background. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for 15 minutes. Breathe slowly and deeply but quietly.

6. Organize.
Make sure you have everything you need to be able to take the test. Things the College Board website suggests you should have ready to take with you include pencils, erasers and identification.

I hope this helps.

Good luck, man!

Party at my place this Saturday.

Take care.


[Your signature]