Sample Reprimand Letters

Send a reprimand letter when you want to correct someone for something he or she did wrong. You will sometimes write a letter like this on behalf of someone else, such as your child, your elderly parent, or someone who has placed you in charge of his or her affairs. Sometimes, reprimand letters are professional in tone and style, especially when written in a business setting, but they can also be more informal and conversational, depending on the situation and context. The style and wording you use in a letter depend on the specific circumstances.

It is generally best to keep letters as short and concise as possible while still communicating the necessary information. Feel free to customize and modify any of these letters according to your individual needs.

NOTE: In all letters, brackets indicate information that you should fill in. Remove the brackets when you have modified the text to your liking.



Dear [Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last name],

We regret to inform you of our decision to terminate your services with immediate effect following your mismanagement of the tender submission process associated with the call for tenders issued by [Organization name] on [Date].

As you may well be aware, the tender notice called for full documentation of the background, experience, expertise and financial wherewithal of the parties submitting the tenders. The tender also required the tendering party to submit a case study documenting our solutions in action and the results they achieved, and notarized client testimonials.

It has been brought to our notice that the case study we submitted lacked the comprehensiveness expected of an organization such as ours, and your attempts to put together what passed for a case study may in fact have undermined our chances of bagging this multibillion dollar, seven-year contract, which would have catapulted us to the #1 position in our industry.

We would like to bring to your notice that we have constituted a committee comprising your immediate superiors, senior executives, representatives from our legal department, external experts and consultants, and the HR department to review your actions and suggest appropriate measures.

However, before the committee is called to order on [Date], we would like to give you an opportunity to explain your actions over the last few weeks to enable us to deal with the subject of your performance and termination fairly.

Please call the undersigned to schedule a meeting no later than [Date] and to have any queries answered.

We would also like you to know that this is not a "witch hunt" but an attempt to uncover the factors which led to our tender being rejected outright.

